3 WordPress Plugins You Need

For a lot of businesses, WordPress is a go-to platform for creating flexible websites (and blogs). That’s because WordPress is an open-source platform that has thousands upon thousands of programmers, designers, and entrepreneurs creating and maintaining different plugins (small software modules) that help to expand upon the basic package’s capabilities.

For many of our clients, WordPress is a great low-cost solution that can scale with the growth of a small/medium business.

There are a ton of plugins that we recommend as de rigeur including SEO by Yoast and Jetpack, but today, I want to talk about three plugins for purposes that you may not have thought about, but are super helpful.

Start with the Basics: Database Back-Up

If you’re running WordPress, you know that you always get that warning about making sure you’ve backed up your database and files before undertaking updates and whatnot. Many of us use hosting services that automatically back-up our files at regularly scheduled intervals, but if you don’t and you’re not totally sure how to create back-ups, start here with this plugin.

A step up: Username Changer

By default, WordPress makes the first user “admin”. While many hosting services will ask you to set it as something else, many still end up with “admin” as their first username, and unfortunately, that gives hackers a leg-up on messing with your system. Use this plugin to change your usernames and make it something a little more secure.

Upping Your Game: Editorial Calendar

If you’re creating good content, posting blog posts on a regular basis, you know how important it is to stay organized. If you need a little help in this department, be sure to get this plugin, which allows you to not only see your posts on a calendar, but also to drag-and-drop them in case you need to rearrange.


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